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bob livingston alerts

Special Analysis: Who is killing the dollar, and how they are doing it by crumbling the Three Pillars that have protected the U.S. economy. AT&T: 605-531-3016 A $19.95 value, yours FREE! Bob Livingston: The government can't protect you from coronavirus, but you can protect yourself Gaye Levy: Is American freedom under siege? While the U.S. military remains the most powerful force in the world, the most immediate threats America now faces are closer to home. Ultra-conservatism isnotthe neoconservatism of the establishment Republican Party, nor is it the obtuse nationalism of Donald Trump. These former insiders are referring to a level of unfunded liability by the Federal government which is so gigantic as to boggle the mind. SARS 2003: fraud, and the credibility of the World Health Organization. Get the inside skinny on what coin dealers and precious metals merchants do not want you to know about their collectibles.. How could there be anything better than total liberty? As it is, no matter whether the R party is in charge or the D party is in charge, or there is some combination of the two holding joint power, little ever changes beyond who holds the choicest seats at the table. And you can keep your FREE Gifts. So, thank you again for your courage and the insight that you pour out in each issue. In 1969 I began publishing a newsletter named Christians Awake dedicated to warning fellow Christians about this mass deception and actions by the ruling the elite who were quietly waging war on fundamental Christianity by among other things actively promoting a false doctrine based on universalism and by advocating and legislating and creating government policy endorsing universalist religions of all stripes. There are simple, easy, inexpensive steps you can take right now to protect your family. Imagine a world of $20 per gallon of gasoline $50 hamburgers and average housing rentals costing $10,000 a month or more. The minimal result of deceptively programming people in reverse thinking is double thinking. This is true if youre 10-15 years away from retirement and particularly if you are already in retirement. HOME. P.S. Government SPYING and MANIPULATION is now becoming the American way. Easy steps to take so you can begin living outside the system and preparing for the coming collapse. Thats $198.85 in FREE Gifts and Savings! It seems that the politicians have a language and word system that baffles and stupefies the public mind. Thats $198.85 in FREE Gifts and Savings! It is an illusion unrelated to reality and political participation by the people. You can un-subscribe at any time. BUT. The West is responsible for its self-destruction Why voters don't trust the people who count the votes No privacy, no property: The world in 2030 according to the World Economic Forum All the work and research in this book is worth the cover price of at least $89.95. Bob Livingston has a Master of Business Administration in Human Resources from University of Phoenix in 2009 and a Mechanical Engineering Degree from Queen's University in 1981. How to use the little-known bypass trust an incredible tool even if you fall below the estate tax threshold of wealth and why ignorance about it can be downright dangerous. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.". ", "The Bob Livingston Letter is the best I have ever read in 84 years! But I also promised one more Special Report. I cannot be placed within any preconceived ideological box. And my most recent Urgent FREE Wealth Alert will show you how to sidestep the coming Great American Confiscation of 2017-2018 and the increasingly illegal government-overreach into every area of your life! This is owing to the power of propaganda and the use ofcode wordsby establishment politicians and their mainstream media mouthpieces who intentionallydistort the languageto suit their purposes and advance their agenda. If you are taught that democracy means freedom of political choices, you never question it, and the facade of politics serves for reality. Why? Who you have to know best, what you need to not believe, why you need to do research and how to assess real risk and reward. Its not enough anymore, not by a long shot! by: Richard Rowland posted on: Jul 24, 2019 13:33:25 Since learning of a movement referred to as globalism, I've attempted to glean as much information as possible for who the globalists are and what they have in mind. Click Here today! To give you some idea of the scope of this problem, the government would have to extract $473,000 from each and every U.S. household to cover the rapidly approaching national balloon payment on unfunded liabilities! I've been in gold stocks since 2002 and am still okay. Double thinking leads to hypocrisy, instability, and double crossing of family, neighbors and local community. In my experience, recently-retired officials often hint at dangers to come, leaving a trail of breadcrumbs in which Americans like you and I should pay close attention. November 19, 2017 in Columnists by Ken. Bob Livingston: Food and water storage now! If you are not sick when you go to the medical system, you certainly will be soon. Even the normally bullish, pro-Wall Street editorial page of The Wall Street Journal conceded, Fasten your seat belts and get ready for more You especially need this expanded, updated and revised manual because passive retirement planning is a thing of the past. But you wont have to pay that. Although I do not agree with Mr.Livingston's views in there entirety, his overall view on Constitutional government is I believe entirely correct. They care not one whit about constitutional government and the rule of law. Robert Linlithgow Livingston Jr. is an American lobbyist and politician who served as a U.S. Representative from Louisiana from 1977 to 1999. A RICH STOREHOUSE OF HEALTH & WEALTH YOU CAN DEPEND ONNO MATTER WHAT HEALTH CRISIS OR FINANCIAL CHAOS COMES YOUR WAY! Legislation Sponsored or Cosponsored by Bob Livingston. Privacy & Asset Protection: Asset protection is almost extinct in America today. The information I want to send you is essential to anyone who wants to protect their wealth, prepare for their retirement or is already in retirement. Understand all the NEW options you have to protect yourself from the coming inflation tsunami far above and beyond what smart people had in the 1970s to make themselves rich even as most Americans saw their life savings ravaged by inflation. Learn the critical gold ratio signaling an uptrend that the big boys use and you too can get rich. You can un-subscribe at any time. We hope its beneficial to you, the new reader, and not too boring if youre a long-timer who may be seeing this for the second or third time. BOB LIVINGSTON ALERTS. Like no other newsletter youll ever find, THE BOB LIVINGSTON LETTER is dedicated to increasing your independence from todays medical and financial brokers who do not have your health & wealth at stake.This newsletter exists for one purpose: To put you (not the medical or financial establishments) in 100percentcontrol of your health & wealth beyond your wildest dreams for life! Analyst John Williams of the remarkable www.shadowstats.com website cites credible evidence of more than a 10% inflation rate instead of the governments reported sub-2% rate. Dont let this book collect dust. And do these terms even hold any meaning anymore? Published by Personal Liberty Media Group SECURE STREAM Even when everyone in the know is running for the exits. And lets not even talk about the grocery store but dont be fooled! Todays pseudo-conservatives and their neocon brethren are particularly adept at leading astray large numbers of middle class Americans, especially Christians, patriots and other good folks. YES! Published by Personal Liberty Media Group To receive a FREE copy my Ultimate Hyperinflation Defense Manual and the two FREE Bonus Gifts, all I ask is for you to subscribe to The Bob Livingston Letter for two years (24 issues) for just $69. ", "I have subscribed to your newsletter for a few years and I find it to be a very informative letter in many ways. Special Analysis: Who is killing the dollar, and how they are doing it by crumbling the Three Pillars that have protected the U.S. economy. A WARNING: Ignorance of just one of these tools can be downright dangerous. What if the lockdown was all a big mistake? Order Here. Neoconservatives are the proverbial liberals who have been mugged and are converts to pseudo-conservatism. While we have a large core of long-term and dedicated Personal Liberty subscribers and we love and appreciate every one of you we have learned over the nine-plus years of this sites existence that there is a lot of turnover in our subscriber base. Understand all the NEW options you have to protect yourself from the coming inflation tsunami far above and beyond what smart people had in the 1970s to make themselves rich even as most Americans saw their life savings ravaged by inflation. Listen Live - RBN Streams and Phone Lines, Congress ERUPTS as Trump's Attorney Plays Video Evidence in Court showing Pelosi's Lies About Trump, 'Dark Side Of Davos' Revealed As Global Elite Bookings For Sex Workers Soar, 2-Year-Old Child Dies Suddenly One Day After Receiving Both the COVID Vaccine and Annual Flu Vaccine, Moderna Begins Trials for New mRNA Shot to be Injected Directly into the Heart, Sudden Deaths Continue to Explode at the Beginning of 2023, Ron DeSantiss Military Career: Torturing Prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, SYRIA AND RUSSIA DEMAND U.S. LEAVE COUNTRY NOW; SYRIAN ARMY BLUNTS TERRORIST ATTACK AT BASE IN EAST GHOUTAA, Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes. ", "The Bob Livingston Letter is the best I have ever read in 84 years! Ive never felt more urgency about protecting you and your wealth! Its population control. In less than a decade of reckless government expansion, the fundamentals of successful investing, planning and living have undergone a dramatic and potentially dangerous transformation. New subscribers find us in any of a number of ways, but many of them happen upon us thinking they have found a Republican Party site or a mainstream conservative site that supports the Republican Party ideologically. And the stimulus plan is only the tip of the iceberg! To receive a FREE copy my Ultimate Hyperinflation Defense Manual and the two FREE Bonus Gifts, all I ask is for you to subscribe to The Bob Livingston Letter for two years (24 issues) for just $69. Although I do not agree with Mr.Livingston's views in there entirety, his overall view on Constitutional government is I believe entirely correct. Three steps you must take right away to prepare for a possible banking collapse. Simple steps to TRUE diversification in an inflationary environment using all new financial instruments not available to investors during the 1970s. STREAM RBN *LIVE* No, you dont have to liquidate your assets to buy the protection of gold! The political process is a facade of government that satisfies the quest for political choices. In recent times it was known as Marxism, Fabianism, the New Deal, Nazism and communism. At the end of this letter, I will tell you how to get the newest, most authoritative source of information about hidden inflation, how it is ripping you off and what you can do to protect yourself. Its difficult to say, given the hyperpartisanship of todays political discussions and the broad divide now found between people who vote Republican and people who vote Democrat? Have you packed away every penny you legally can for your retirement? Dont delay. How to use the secret onshore tax haven and wealth builder used by the privileged, corporations and the very wealthy. The economic stimulus packages of the last few years alone will amount to $6 trillion nearly 7 times what the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) program spent! In my experience, recently-retired officials often hint at dangers to come, leaving a trail of breadcrumbs in which Americans like you and I should pay close attention. What if you make a mistake? If you want to be rich, you need to know how they think. How to lower your taxes and get leverage against the government in retirement. Bob has devoted much of his life to research and the quest for truth on a variety of subjects. How to use the little-known bypass trust an incredible tool even if you fall below the estate tax threshold of wealth and why ignorance about it can be downright dangerous. The Ultimate Hyperinflation Defense Manual is probably among the most important guides I have ever offered. This socialistic expansion of government will inevitably lead to a devaluation of the U.S. dollar (hyperinflation) that could wipe out your life savings. Ive never felt more urgency about protecting you and your wealth! Prices for some commodities have shot through the roof. Keep up the good work! They are neither Christians nor benevolent rulers. People totally misunderstand the nature of government. Bob Livingston is an American singer-songwriter, guitarist, bass player, and a founding member of The Lost Gonzo Band. This unconscious stigma has enslaved many a soul for all his lifetime. The deception is that the world and the nation matter more than family. Perhaps a re-evaluation of these concepts is in order. They defend the eternal keeping of our soldier-children in South Korea, Germany, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and wherever a radical Muslim may be found. They only care about a political facade to hide their chicanery. In less than a decade of reckless government expansion, the fundamentals of successful investing, planning and living have undergone a dramatic and potentially dangerous transformation. Your email address will not be published. But knowledge has the potential to keep your assets growing and secure from any upheaval. bumpy flying in the Feds cloudy skies.. ), Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels. Thats why I hope youll. (Accomplished via the Federal Reserve, which is not Federal and doesnt hold reserves.), Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state. The Rule of 72 that savvy investors use to know what their money is really worth. Get the inside skinny on what coin dealers and precious metals merchants do not want you to know about their collectibles.. ", "I have subscribed to your newsletter for a few years and I find it to be a very informative letter in many ways. Nine GREAT ways your family can help you shield your assets and protect them from hyperinflation AND the government. And I truly believe my Ultimate Hyperinflation Defense Manual could be the single most important tool youll ever discover. Well, Bob never had the surgery his doctors strongly advised more than 45years ago. The number of complex legal, regulatory, medical and retiree-unfriendly tax traps has mushroomed to the point that ignorance is downright dangerous. New CD, Up The Flatland Stairs on Howlin' Dog. He was sure that he did not have a drug deficiency. T-Mobile: 605-781-4582 And the stimulus plan is only the tip of the iceberg! And I truly believe my Ultimate Hyperinflation Defense Manual could be the single most important tool youll ever discover. Its sickness care. But theyre not your only enemy. Collectivism is ideal for government expansion at the expense of the people. They have also studied at University of Phoenix : Bruce Ragsdale - Intel Jackie Bunting - McDonald's Tereah Otero - HP Inc. Find more alumni from University of Phoenix If you are currently invested in the stock market, are looking to protect your wealth, are planning your retirement or are already retired, then you need this manual right away! Your wise suggestions on keeping healthy, appeal very much to me since I have been able to survive 85 years with a minimum of hospital care and I do believe that is noteworthy in this day and age. Plus send me the three FREE Gifts listed above. While there are conservatives and liberals (some use the term right wing and left wing ideologies) among the masses, this paradigm does not exist among the elected and bureaucratic class. I believed the lies about our lives, politics and especially health needed be exposed, so I began to seek an outlet to do that. Bob specializes in health issues such as nutritional supplements and natural alternatives, as well as issues of liberty, privacy and the preservation of medical freedom. Templetons Rules: What kind of returns do you expect? Your personal information is as important to us as it is to you. I belong to no political party and am beholden to none. New Shows coming . The deception is that economics matters more than identity. Warning to Americas Savviest Investors, Savers and Retirees: Inflation Rocket Train Accelerating Fast, Painful Carter-Era, 70s-Style 500% Inflation Looming, make your selection from the No-Risk FREE Gifts Subscription Certificate located below to subscribe. As I am about to show you with shocking urgency, now is the time to make basic preparations to come out ahead in the collapsing value of dollar-denominated assets to not be a victim or a sucker. Bob Livingston Alerts and The Bob Livingston Letter is conducting an urgent poll to ask your opinion regarding the tactics of those who oppose the 2nd Amendment, and the new laws across the country. You are great! It also reduces your future ability to pay for fuel, electricity, food, healthcare and other basic daily needs. Bob Livingston Alerts and The Bob Livingston Letter is conducting an urgent poll to see when people should be allowed to buy guns, if you believe gun free zones should exist, who should be allowed to carry guns on school grounds, and what kinds of gun laws we should or shouldn't have. (Accomplished via the Federal Communications Commission and the regulated airline industry, Amtrak, public transportation and the regulated auto industry. The concept of "fascism" was originally entered into the Encyclopedia Italiana by Italian philosopher Giovanni Gentile, who stated that "Fascism Keep snoops out of your personal communications including emails. But heres the best part. Deception is the means whereby pseudo-conservative lies are grasped by the masses as essential life-truths. The religio-political Establishment pumps out continuous propaganda truth reversals in order to condition the mass population to collectivist transcendentalism. Bob is convinced that most health problems are simple and usually directly related to nutritional deficiencies. I am convinced that the U.S. is now facing some of the most serious economic and political threats in its history. Plus send me the three FREE Gifts listed above. As this transition evolves, natural alternatives for health and nutrition will be vital for your survival! Your wise suggestions on keeping healthy, appeal very much to me since I have been able to survive 85 years with a minimum of hospital care and I do believe that is noteworthy in this day and age. We live in a financial glass house. Three steps you must take right away to prepare for a possible banking collapse. Chairman and CEO Frank Scherma of . As stated above, those labels are meaningless in their current sense. Following are the 10 planks of communism at work in America. And his assessment of the Republican party is spot on. The results of the poll will be available to you after you submit your vote. They do not cure it. Also free with your exclusive cancer e-book is my new e-letter, Bob Livingston Alerts. My name is Bob Livingston and I've been a consumer advocate, a curmudgeon and a plain pain in the side of BIG government, BIG banks, BIG pharma and BIG business for over 45 years! Bob, however, is healthier than he has ever been! He has concluded that today, organized medicine is literally a killing machine. Should you speculate? (Accomplished via the American tax system. How to avoid the coming nightmare millions of people on fixed incomes now face: Rising costs of everyday needs across the board and a smaller retirement nest egg capable of buying far less. This socialistic expansion of government will inevitably lead to a devaluation of the U.S. dollar (hyperinflation) that could wipe out your life savings. ), Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country. Verizon: 605-562-5111 And you can keep your FREE Gifts. Abolition of childrens factory labor in its present form. Why? The political process is a merry-go-round of phony politicians and platforms that can guarantee only one thing to the person; that is, eternal diversion, deception and exhaustion. Learn the critical gold ratio signaling an uptrend that the big boys use and you too can get rich. It also reduces your future ability to pay for fuel, electricity, food, healthcare and other basic daily needs. (In progress via the UN Agenda 21 and 2030 Sustainable Development agenda, planned communities, etc. And it is especially merciless to people who assume they can live comfortably on a fixed income. But knowledge has the potential to keep your assets growing and secure from any upheaval. These include: Companies forced out of business soaring government spending that will lead to hyperinflation runaway taxes older citizens no longer able to retire and live what used to be known as their golden years. And more, Fortunately, you DONT have to just sit by and do nothing. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Thank you. The inventory weve planned for will go quickly. If as few as one million Americans knew this truth, the corrupt political system in America would collapse. The axiom above brings forth the conclusion that politicians cannot be different and cannot have a different morality than the system and survive as politicians. NOTHING IS OFF-LIMITS! The unconstitutional assault on America's civil liberties is continuing with fanatical vigor thanks to the government's gross misuse of power, including transgressions by the NSA and IRS. Bob is an ultra-conservative American and author of The Bob Livingston Letter, founded in 1969. In addition to side-stepping fake paper asset and bogus investment landmines, this manual offers extremely useful guidance on how to vastly improve your financial situation because it shows you how the ground has changed under your feet and the precise steps you must take to prepare for what is to come! ALERT! (The latter group has even more to lose through inaction.). In my experience, recently-retired officials often hint at dangers to come, leaving a trail of "breadcrumbs" in which Americans like you and I should pay close attention. I am so confident your financial well-being will improve dramatically over the next 24-plus months, if you ever decide you are not satisfied with your subscription, well return every penny you paid even up to the last issue. The Ultimate Hyperinflation Defense Manual is the ultimate protocol and guide and a reference you can use for preserving your wealth for life. The search for information carries Bob all over the world. We will never rent, sell or trade your personal information with anyone. The economic stimulus packages of the last few years alone will amount to $6 trillion nearly 7 times what the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) program spent! Its the political philosophy that values the freedom of individuals including the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and markets as well as limited government restrained by the shackles of the Constitution. When you add in the unfunded liabilities, thats trillions the government doesnt have over the next few years. First of all, are we truly conservative, or are we liberal? If I had listened to you in 1999 about buying gold stocks, I would be in terrific shape now. Todays conservatism and liberalism are but twin pincers of the same, dynamic, ever-changing, collectivist dialectic. The dumb money buys on emotion? Bob Livingston is a guest columnist in today's edition of LIBERTY DIGEST. The reality is that there are two names of political parties, but the philosophy and morality of all politicians is the same. Things that are equal to the same thing are equal to each other. ", "I have been a subscriber to your letter for many years and have always looked forward to receiving it. Even the normally bullish, pro-Wall Street editorial page of The Wall Street Journal conceded, Fasten your seat belts and get ready for more Take, for instance, the notion that conservatism means support for toppling foreign regimes; making war on countries that have not attacked us for democracy; perpetual wars on terror, drugs, etc. YES! If you want to be rich, you need to know how they think. Yours for the truth, Your information about health and different vitamins you recommend is almost 100% on the button Keep up the good work. Real estate is soaring. It has helped to open my eyes Thank you so much and keep up the good work! Bob specializes in health issues such as nutritional supplements and alternatives to drugs as well as issues of privacy (both personal & financial), asset protection and the preservation of freedom. New readers come and go all the time, but we always see a particular uptick in new readers when we make changes to the way we present our information, as we recently did. There is no doubt about it, consummate political power lies in the power to deceive. 605.313.0163 Thats why its so important to note the departing warning of former Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan (a man noted for understatement) who flatly told Congress serious economic disruptions are in the works due to trillions of dollars in Federal obligations that will be visited upon taxpayers and retirees like a gigantic balloon payment. Subscribe Today! P.S. Anything else I consider to be anti-freedom. Lumber prices have almost tripled. The American people have become so dependent on political authority that they do not know the difference in realism and illusion. What is your exposure to and what preparations have you made for the coming housing bubble collapse? 701.801.3663 Thepeople in political power, under any party name, keep themselves and their buddies in power to keep mass corruption covered up. Supporters say cash is dirty, dangerous and antiquated. You deserve to be just as protected against the coming inflation wave as any tech giant or financial titan of Wall Street. Virtually unreported dire warnings from Americas top investors and former top government officials. The 10 best places to go offshore with your wealth so the government cant get at it and the flimsy reason they use to try and seize it! Plus send all three FREE Gifts listed below: Best Value DOUBLE the issues for $89: DOUBLE the issues for $89: Please subscribe me to The Bob Livingston Letter for FOUR years (48 issues) for only $89 ($147 off the regular subscription rate). Claim The Ultimate Privacy Guide (a $79.95 value) FREE when you subscribe to Personal Liberty Digest today. Politicians are crude, monotonous and uncommitted to anything that does not grow their power and the power of the state. Thats just a drop in the bucket compared to what youll save when you receive your copy of my book and the two FREE Bonus Gifts. These former insiders are referring to a level of unfunded liability by the Federal government which is so gigantic as to boggle the mind. You may opt out of Bob Livingston Alerts at anytime. Millions of Americans have lost their jobs their life savings and soon it will be their homes. Lumber prices have almost tripled. For only $69 less than 1/25th of the of the price of a single ounce of gold youll have in your hands THREE powerful tools that will let you beat the rigged money game in your favor. These planks are embraced by both major political parties. Even the comptroller of the U.S. confirms what investors and steadily-rising gold prices are pointing to: The impossible financial pickle the government finds itself in. The information I want to send you is essential to anyone who wants to protect their wealth, prepare for their retirement or is already in retirement. (For a recent explanation of this read, Whats behind the war on Christianity?). Bob concludes that quality of life in America can come only through personal responsibility in matters of health and financial survival. He notes, The basic elements for a dollar collapse and an eventual hyperinflationary environment in the U.S. remain locked in place. Williams reports inflation is over 11% right now (not the paltry 2% the Fed claims) and is about to take off, back above those pre-1981 levels you see below! All three surgeons who said he would die without the surgery have since died. Livingston was a key figure in the Cosmic Cowboy, progressive country and outlaw country movements that distinguished the Austin, Texas music scene in the 1970s. BIO/EPK. Now listen to Former Fed Chair Paul Volker who presided over 70s-era inflation and was even more blunt. Out continuous propaganda truth reversals in order to condition the mass population to collectivist transcendentalism anything. Neighbors and local community through the roof buying gold stocks since 2002 and am still okay their buddies power. Take so you can DEPEND ONNO MATTER what health CRISIS or financial CHAOS COMES your way the FREE... The American people have become so dependent on political authority that they do not know the in. Gold stocks since 2002 and am still okay also reduces your future ability to pay for,... 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bob livingston alerts