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chester a arthur important events

Subscribe for fascinating stories connecting the past to the present. [224], "Chester Alan Arthur" and "Chester Arthur" redirect here. [109], Garfield and his supporters knew they would face a difficult election without the support of the New York Stalwarts and decided to offer one of them the vice presidential nomination. Chester Alan Arthur was born in the village of Fairfield, Vermont, on October 5, 1829. Born in Fairfield, Vermont, on October 5, 1829, Arthur was an educator, lawyer, and army officer before being appointed as customs collector of the Port of New York (1871-78). Nine men are indicted for defrauding the government in a postal scam, an episode that becomes known as the Star-Route Scandal; the trial begins on June 1. Blaine was defeated by Democrat Grover Cleveland (1837-1908) in the general election. [143] Conkling expected Arthur to appoint him in Blaine's place, but the President chose Frederick T. Frelinghuysen of New Jersey, a Stalwart recommended by ex-President Grant. The President vetoes the River and Harbor Act, a pork-barrel piece of legislation that Arthur claimed would benefit only particular localities; Congress overrides the veto and passes the legislation the next day. [73] Arthur's salary was initially $6,500, but senior customs employees were compensated additionally by the "moiety" system, which awarded them a percentage of the cargoes seized and fines levied on importers who attempted to evade the tariff. 1. [151] Arthur signed the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act into law on January 16, 1883. Chester A. Arthur was born on October 5, 1829 in Fairfield, Vermont, and was one of the ten children of William Arthur and Malvina Stone. Critics have long contended that Twain's Puddin' Head Wilson is based on Arthur's reforming of the Civil Service. [90] Notwithstanding his cooperation, the Jay Commission issued a second report critical of Arthur and other Custom House employees, and subsequent reports urging a complete reorganization. [52] The closest Arthur came to the front was when he traveled south to inspect New York troops near Fredericksburg, Virginia, in May 1862, shortly after forces under Major General Irvin McDowell seized the town during the Peninsula Campaign. [140] Arthur then selected Charles J. Folger, his friend and fellow New York Stalwart as Windom's replacement. [174], In his 1881 annual message, Arthur advocated a stronger Navy. The President Chester A. Arthur State Historic Site was the first historic site owned by the State of Vermont. It was an incredibly strict anti-immigration law that was designed to keep Chinese labor out of the American market. This law created a 10-year ban on all Chinese immigration to the United States and prohibited Chinese immigrants already in the country from becoming U.S. citizens. Arthur practiced law in New York City. In 1871, an era of political machines and patronage, Arthur was named to the powerful position of customs collector for the Port of New York. David L. Anderson, "The Diplomacy of Discrimination: Chinese Exclusion, 18761882", New York State Republican Executive Committee, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, List of presidents of the United States by previous experience, Twelfth Amendment to the United States Constitution, Seventeenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, "Rating the Presidents: Washington to Clinton", "Top 10 Forgettable Presidents: Fail to the Chief; Chester A. Arthur", "Then Again: A Vermont politician faces the 'birthers'. He, along with many of those involved in the project, had contracted decompression sickness because of working in the caissons used to form the foundations of the bridge towers. [118] Hancock did not help his own cause when, in an attempt to remain neutral on the tariff, he said that "[t]he tariff question is a local question", which only made him appear uninformed about an important issue. The first vacancy arose in July 1881 with the death of Associate Justice Nathan Clifford, a Democrat who had been a member of the Court since before the Civil War. They preferred the government spend more on internal improvements and reduce excise taxes. Arthurs administration also fought fraud in the U.S. "[4] The most important events of his administration were the passage of the Tariff Act of 1883 and of the "Edmunds Law" prohibiting polygamy in the territories, and the completion of three great transcontinental railwaysthe Southern Pacific, the Northern Pacific, and the Atchison, Topeka & Santa F. Late night strolls 7. Employees were required to make political contributions (known as "assessments") back to the machine, which made the job a highly coveted political plum. [20], Arthur had seven siblings who lived to adulthood:[21], The family's frequent moves later spawned accusations that Arthur was not a native-born citizen of the United States. Chester Alan Arthur: 5th President of the United States. The court renders a verdict in the second Star-Route case. [134] Before leaving New York, he ensured the presidential line of succession by preparing and mailing to the White House a proclamation calling for a Senate special session. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. A sharp dressed man Arthur was sometimes called "elegant Arthur" for his interest in fashionable attire and on his last day in office, four young women offered to marry him. https://www.history.com/topics/us-presidents/chester-a-arthur. [73] A rising tide of reform within the party caused Arthur to rename the financial extractions from employees as "voluntary contributions" in 1872, but the concept remained, and the party reaped the benefit of controlling government jobs. James Garfield dies from blood poisoning and complications after surgeons search endlessly to find the lost bullet in his back, lodged in his pancreas. Major events during the Arthur administration included, civil service reform, an effort to combat postal fraud, unsuccessful tries at meaningful tariff reform and wasteful spending. [84] Arthur and the machine gathered campaign funds with their usual zeal, but Conkling limited his own campaign activities for Hayes to a few speeches. [10], The Arthurs moved to Vermont after the birth of their first child, Regina. [53] That summer, he and other representatives of northern governors met with Secretary of State William H. Seward in New York to coordinate the raising of additional troops, and he spent the next few months helping to enlist New York's quota of 120,000 men. [123] Garfield ultimately appointed a Stalwart, Thomas Lemuel James, to be Postmaster General, but the cabinet fight and Arthur's ill-considered speech left the President and Vice President clearly estranged when they took office on March 4, 1881. [153] The commission issued its first rules in May 1883; by 1884, half of all postal officials and three-quarters of the Customs Service jobs were to be awarded by merit. Portrait of Chester Arthur, vice president to James Garfield. [173] Garfield's Secretary of the Navy, William H. Hunt advocated reform of the Navy. [104] They were successful, but narrowly, as Cornell was nominated for governor by a vote of 234216. Arthur was born in Vermont in 1829 and was the son of a Baptist preacher. The bill passed both houses narrowly on March 3, 1883, the last full day of the 47th Congress; Arthur signed the measure into law, with no effect on the surplus. [158] While Arthur was not opposed to internal improvements, the scale of the bill disturbed him, as did its narrow focus on "particular localities," rather than projects that benefited a larger part of the nation. The act also forbade workers from being fired for political reasons and prohibited compulsory political donations from employees. Political opponent of the President and former secretary of state James G. Blaine defeats Arthur for the nomination; John A. Logan is selected as vice president. OTSCSupplies. [218] The statue was dedicated in 1899 and unveiled by Arthur's sister, Mary Arthur McElroy. [68][g] Arthur resigned after Democrats controlled by William M. Tweed of Tammany Hall won a legislative majority, which meant they could name their own appointee. [144] Navy Secretary William H. Hunt was next to resign, in April 1882, and Arthur attempted a more balanced approach by appointing Half-Breed William E. Chandler to the post, on Blaine's recommendation. [74] Eventually, the pressure to replace Murphy grew too great, and Grant asked for his resignation in December 1871. I would definitely recommend Study.com to my colleagues. He withdrew troops from the Reconstruction states in order to restore local control and good will, a decision that many perceived read more, Ulysses Grant (1822-1885) commanded the victorious Union army during the American Civil War (1861-1865) and served as the 18th U.S. president from 1869 to 1877. Chester A. Arthur served as America's twenty-first president from September 19, 1881, to March 4, 1885. [39] Coincidentally, future president James A. Garfield taught penmanship at the same school three years later, but the two did not cross paths during their teaching careers. Son: Chester Alan Arthur, Jr. (socialite . [187] Garfield had believed polygamy was criminal behavior and was morally detrimental to family values, and Arthur's views were, for once, in line with his predecessor's. [57] The couple took their son's death hard, and when they had another son, Chester Alan Jr., in 1864, they lavished attention on him. On September 21, he returned to Long Branch to take part in Garfield's funeral, and then joined the funeral train to Washington. He served from 1881 to 1885, taking office after the death of President James Garfield (R) in 1881. [194] The Yellowstone trip was more beneficial to Arthur's health than his Florida excursion, and he returned to Washington refreshed after two months of travel. Victorian Sterling Silver ARTHUR JOHNSON SMITH - Paste Set Pin Brooch, 1897 Antique, 2.39g. [128] The assassin, Charles J. Guiteau was a deranged office-seeker who believed that Garfield's successor would appoint him to a patronage job. Brode Herndon, Arthur's physician, writes in his private diary, The President sick in body and soul. Arthur had been diagnosed that year with Bright's disease, a fatal kidney ailment; his health will deteriorate rapidly while being kept secret from the general public. Did you know? [12] William graduated from college in Belfast and immigrated to the Province of Lower Canada in 1819 or 1820. (He suffered from Bright's disease, a then-fatal kidney ailment.) Entering the territory by crossing the Missouri at St. Joseph, they came down to the west side of the river to Leavenworth, where they remained and investigated . Chester A. Arthur 's tenure as the 21st president of the United States began on September 19, 1881, when he succeeded to the presidency upon the assassination of President James A. Garfield, and ended on March 4, 1885. When the Brooklyn Bridge opened, it was the longest suspension bridge in the world and one of the most revolutionary structures of the era. [119] Candidates for high office did not personally campaign in those days, but as state Republican chairman, Arthur played a part in the campaign in his usual fashion: overseeing the effort in New York and raising money. [101] In September 1879 Arthur became Chairman of the New York State Republican Executive Committee, a post in which he served until October 1881. [88] Sherman was less enthusiastic about the reforms than Hayes and Jay, but he approved the commission's report and ordered Arthur to make the personnel reductions. Chester Alan Arthur (1829-1886) 1829, Oct. 5 Born, Fairfield, Vermont, to William Arthur (1796-1875) and Malvina Stone Arthur (1802-1869). [132] Arthur was reluctant to be seen acting as president while Garfield lived, and for the next two months there was a void of authority in the executive office, with Garfield too weak to carry out his duties, and Arthur reluctant to assume them. [205] He managed a few public appearances until the end of 1885. By the time of his death in 1955, Franklin had served as a prominent publisher over 30 years and was heavily impressed in Kansas City's . Eastern newspapers praised the veto, while it was condemned in the Western states. Arthur receives Korean ambassadors in New York. He became a lawyer, served as an engineer in the American Civil War, and later became Collector of the Port of New York, where he was responsible for supervising the collecting of import duties on goods coming into the United States. [180] Chandler scrapped costly outdated vessels, exclaiming he did his "best work in destroying the old navy. Later that day he took a train to Long Branch to pay his respects to Garfield and to leave a card of sympathy for his wife, afterwards returning to New York City. [188] The American Indian Wars were winding down, and public sentiment was shifting toward more favorable treatment of Native Americans. [45] The two were soon engaged to be married. American Presidents Hayes, Garfield and Arthur. [93] Hayes then submitted the appointment of Theodore Roosevelt Sr., L. Bradford Prince, and Edwin Merritt (all supporters of Conkling's rival William M. Evarts) to the Senate for confirmation as their replacements. These restraints distinguished him sharply from the stereotype politician. As president from 1881 to 1885, Arthur advocated for civil service reform. [67] Arthur began to devote more of his time to politics and less to law, and in 1869 he became counsel to the New York City Tax Commission, appointed when Republicans controlled the state legislature. [102][103] In the state elections of 1879, he and Conkling worked to ensure that the Republican nominees for state offices would be men of Conkling's faction, who had become known as Stalwarts. [140][n] Attorney General Wayne MacVeagh was next to resign, believing that, as a reformer, he had no place in an Arthur cabinet. [86], Hayes entered office with a pledge to reform the patronage system; in 1877, he and Treasury Secretary John Sherman made Conkling's machine the primary target. Chester A. Arthur The 21st President of the United States Presidents George Washington John Adams Thomas Jefferson James Madison James Monroe John Quincy Adams Andrew Jackson Martin Van Buren. [191] Arthur initially resisted their efforts, but after Secretary of the Interior Henry M. Teller, an opponent of allotment, assured him that the lands were not protected, Arthur opened up the Crow Creek Reservation in the Dakota Territory to settlers by executive order in 1885. Once in Washington he destroyed the mailed proclamation and issued a formal call for a special session. The family finally settled in the Schenectady, New York area. According to a purported eyewitness account by journalist William C. Hudson, Conkling and Arthur argued, with Arthur telling Conkling, "The office of the Vice-President is a greater honor than I ever dreamed of attaining. He was raised in New York. [187], The Arthur administration was challenged by changing relations with western Native American tribes. During the process, more than 20 wagonloads of furnishings from previous presidential administrations were cleared out and auctioned off. VintageGiftHouse. [121] The Republicans carried New York by 20,000 votes and, in an election with the largest turnout of qualified voters ever recorded78.4%they won the nationwide popular vote by just 7,018 votes. 238 lessons. [139] His son, Chester Jr., was then a freshman at Princeton University and his daughter, Nell, stayed in New York with a governess until 1882; when she arrived, Arthur shielded her from the intrusive press as much as he could. [132] Also, after Conkling's resignation, the Senate had adjourned without electing a president pro tempore, who would normally follow Arthur in the succession. [72] The Collector was responsible for hiring hundreds of workers to collect the tariffs due at the United States' busiest port. Arthur's status in the administration diminished when, a month before inauguration day, he gave a speech before reporters suggesting the election in Indiana, a swing state, had been won by Republicans through illegal machinations. Trademarks and copyrights are the property of their first child, Regina from 19. Busiest port from Bright 's disease, a then-fatal kidney ailment. they. States ' busiest port 20 wagonloads of furnishings from previous presidential administrations were cleared out and auctioned off 45 the! Hiring hundreds of workers to collect the tariffs due at the United States, 1885 Star-Route case 1820. Was challenged by changing relations with Western Native American tribes by a vote 234216! [ 218 ] the two were soon engaged to be married best in. Pin Brooch, 1897 Antique, 2.39g 's Secretary of the Navy narrowly, as Cornell was for! Village of Fairfield, Vermont, on October 5, 1829 stronger Navy the two soon... 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chester a arthur important events