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valery legasov tapes transcript

There were very large gaps that could not hold the concrete, preventing it from hardening, and making it impossible to set up the base for the subsequent construction elements. Do you understand? Legasov: which exist. Here is the fate of this forest. And here I will speak about Anatoly Petrovich. Answer (1 of 2): 1. Three or four or up to ten tons of TNT, this is the maximum that can be said. Had the philosophy of safety been correct, then our experts would have, without a doubt, found technical solutions conforming to this philosophy. This by no means was an easy operation. Finally, because the graphite was still burning, I advised gathering air samples from various points around the station to send to Kiev so that they could test for the presence and relative amounts of CO2 and CO- - data I could use to estimate the highest possible temperature inside reactor number 4. And the Government Commission itself remained in Pripyat. This meant that the graphite fire had to be extinguished first and foremost. [2] In 19491954, he attended School No. I was filled with trust and respect for him Valery Alekseevich himself flew over the reactor by helicopter 5-6 times a day. This general downfall of Soviet technology, the reasons for which can be discussed extensively and for a long time, it was simultaneously the beginning of Chernobyl. Legasov: Just before Skazochny. It has everything. But the article stated very precisely that: firstly, the Soviet Union has developed the physical fundamentals of nuclear energy on the same level as the rest of the world, but the technology gap to implementing those physical fundamentals is huge, and the French should not help the Russians in overcoming this gap. Why the concrete dome, which would certainly have been better, was replaced with a pipe run and a suitable metal roof. [15][16] From 1978 to 1983, he was a professor at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. The probability of [another] Chernobyl has now increased. In fairness, I must say that many experts of the Soviet Union spoke, and very actively spoke, against the construction of nuclear power plants without containments. Then, Shcherbina, after returning from there, smashed his deputation badge with a hammer before our own eyes. What conditions should be prepared for the people that would work on that site and for how long should they stay there. So he was fighting to make the likelihood of an accident at a station, knowing that there is no containment, minimal. But all this was done remarkably clearly and quickly. Two years and one day after the disaster, Legasov took his own life, though not before recording a distillation of his side of the story onto five compact cassette tapes. And conclude this section about the consequences with such normal wordsthat this is a long-term program, that the consequences of this accident will manifest themselves for many, many years, and describe how they will manifest, and that the research front is a broad, so to say, rough plan. Legasov: Or I will. Fewer young people joined. My first idea was to drop iron shot. Nikolai Ivanovich Ryzhkov had been on ChNPP many times . Just before he hangs himself, the scientist passes off a set of tapes to an unseen actor. The first group was led by Alexander Grigoryevich Meshkov and it started the investigation into the cause of the disaster. As for the physics and technology of reactors, it was a forbidden area for meboth because of my own education and because of the taboo imposed by Anatoly Pavlovich Aleksandrov and his subordinates working in this area. In economy, in cost per kilowatt-hour of energy, in fuel consumption, it was about the same as VVER, better in some ways, worse in others. When someone crossed out something, the operator could interpret it as right or wrong and could perform arbitrary actions. These tapes were revealed in the opening seconds of Chernobyl episode one, seconds before Legasov took his own life. Legasov: The station staff. I cannot leave that unmentioned. But fortunately, nature itself acts in a way that silt holds the individual particles of radionuclides quite firmly. Also, I think that Gorbachevs first call to Silayev was sometime after the May holidays, on the 3rd or 4th of May. The military divisions were also continuing with the decontamination of the villages that were within the 30-kilometre zone. But to make it the primary method of work based on that, it was absolutely obvious that this was impossible. We want to tell you the untold and hidden truth of the Chernobyl disaster. Watch all the Legasov Tapes here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPRaak5gqMIgWF6K7oJPJymhMKvB-LJ_C Subscribe \u0026 like \u0026 share these videos to support us. But yet, he, how should I tell you, well, didnt want to die for this philosophy. But there was only one such telegram. While some of the dissatisfied masses sign petitions to re-shoot the latest season of Game of Thrones, others are enthusiastically responding to the new mini-series Chornobyl . At 11 a.m., we were officially informed that the whole city would be evacuated by 2 p.m.. All the transport had been gathered; all the routes had been identified; and at around 2-2:30 p.m. the entire city was empty. And magnesium oxide, the most heat-conducting of all ceramics, similarly carried the heat away. These were the problems that I was researching. At least later, comrade Izrael, with his associates, measured lead concentration both in the air and on the ground. This is when Aleksander Petrovich and Vyacheslav Pavlovich Volkov, director of the Kola and then the Zaporozhye nuclear power stations, recently told me about an episode, where a group of his comrades visited the Kola station, and witnessed, in his opinion, a complete disorder in the organisation of the technical process. We tried to use robots but this generally was not very successful. And then those who drank Iodine, and children, in a large enough amount, they had greater stress on their thyroid gland. Did Valery Legasov kill himself because of his problems with the Soviet government, as shown in HBO's Chernobyl? The tragedy, of course, was the primary background against which everything was going on. Try to move aside and do something different than what was done before you. There are questions like why was it announced so late? No one could explain what had happened. And the three nuclear power plants, Novovoronezh, Beloyarsk and Obninsk were like playgrounds for scientists, where researchers solved their problems. Then the next most likely is Bulgaria, Kozloduy. The first drops were, it seems, at the end of the day on the 27th. And even scientific work aimed at solving the most important issues of further improvement of stations, both in terms of safety and efficiency did not enjoy support. Moreover, this is being done on different devices at different times. But the refueling itself took only 18-19 days, while for us it takes around a month and a half, and upto two months at times. Before the start of the meeting, Nikolai Ivanovich Yermakov, the head of the 16th head office of the Ministry of Medium Machine Building, under whose supervision our entire university was, walked up and said calmly but with some concern, that an unpleasant accident had happened at the Chernobyl Station. Two people had died, others were in hospital and the radiation conditions in the station were rather complex. And the most dangerous tasks during his term were to determine whether or not there was water inside the upper and lower bubblers, and in the rooms beneath the reactor hall because this was crucial. Concrete may fail due to high temperatures. This convinced us that the fuel mass that was left after the explosion was in a sub-critical state. I invited two or three experienced journalists to it. This was an enormous task that required moving masses of people, creating the necessary control systems and quickly planning the logistics and work. The 15-20 years of experience accumulated by this industry has shown that competent, reliable and precise operation of nuclear facilities, technical means of ensuring safety and proper staff training are enough to prevent big accidents with radiation outbursts from happening, at least, not at the stations themselves. I remember that on-site at Chernobyl was the chairman of the Government Planning Committee of Ukraine, Vitaly Andreyevich, working as part of the Operative Groupa remarkably calm person, energetic; who would understand things perfectly even before we had finished talking. And the requirements they created were not ideal, not the ones that had to be created to make nuclear energy safer, but rather they were coming from the current situation that we had here, and from some Western experiences. Recently, all of us became concerned about the quality of training and readiness of the personnel who design, build and operate nuclear power stations, because the number of facilities had sharply increased, but the quality of the personnel involved in this process had likely decreased and was decreasing before our eyes. He charged me with developing the measures for liquidation; in other words, what to do. These decisions were accepted and written down in session protocols. [citation needed] Extracts from his tapes were published in Pravda in May 1988. I think that Vladimir Konstantinovich should develop these points. And then I was pulled out with the permission of the party (I was already a communist since my time at the institute) for my postgraduate studies at the same Kurchatov Institute. Operators are trying to cool it, however, it was, already known that one or two people had already passed away. And finally, elements such as clay, for example, served as filtering elements meant to prevent part of the radioactive isotopes from getting into the external environment. He listened very carefully (I thought that it would be hard for the country to supply so much material in a matter of days) and as I got to know later, ordered 6000 tons of lead, because he thought that we could have made a mistake in our calculations and it would be better to have surplus lead instead of not having enough. Svetliy brought a case with samples of various materials that had been melted using a laser or as a molten mass. Can you imagine? As proposed by General Damiyanovich, a military centre was quickly established in the area surrounding the ChNPP to ensure that military specialiststhe military units in charge of decontamination, measurement, and any other operations that the army had to dowould not act randomly; by trial and error, but more consciously. The operators had tried to cool it down, but unfortunately, two people had already been killed. [1] Spending four months in and around Chernobyl,[23] he received a high dose of radiation. These were the questions we had. The unfortunate result is that this copy of the English text cannot be easily navigated and copied without clicking different menu items, scrolling through ten separate pages, and editing out the various annotations. How many areas, and people, were affected and to what degree; what has already been restored and what hasnt. Around the 9-10th of May, M.S.Gorbachev in a telephone call asked me personally to give him some sort of chronology of the events, a description of what was happening, because he was preparing to speak on the Central Television to the entire Soviet Union. And the second situation, protecting the shore and rivers against the melting water [in spring] which carries away various debris contaminated with radioactive elementswood chips or needles that fell in the contaminated forestthat could lead to rather significant radiation damage. But that would mean ejection of radioactive graphite particles over large distances. I had to visit various chemical facilities. Do you understand? And they were built not by the Ministry of Medium Machine Building but by the Ministry of Energy. Some construction elements of the lower part of reactor may not withstand that. But coming back to Pripyat As I said, on the 26th of April, at 11 pm, it was decided that the people will be evacuated the next day. This is the worst-case scenario leading to a complete loss of coolant and a meltdown of the core. Making important information accessible to the English-speaking audience. And this caused appropriate alarm among professionals, in technical and engineering sense. I regularly upload updates as I work my way through the whole thing, so somewhere in the text below you'll find a centred phrase that explains that everything that comes after is the uncorrected text, along with the date of the latest update. Most likely, it was a hot mass as I understood it later a mass of sand, clay and all the other things that had been dropped. And that it was necessary to put nuclear energy sources into operation, to do this quickly. The diagnostic devices were inserted from under reactor number 4. An appropriate team was gathered at night and approximately within three to four hours, they departed to the site. His life was never the same. The entire group of the first Government commission departed, but Scherbina asked me and comrade Sidorenko to stay back for a while to finish the work. So that there is an understanding. That was very interesting. And now, thorough research is underway to determine whether organisms that live in the water are ingesting some part of the radioactivity contained in the silt. Because there was hydrogen in the generators in the engine room; there was engine oil. The time available to solve it is not too small but not too much either. There is a lot of graphite, a lot of zirconium and water. I am a radiochemist, that is, in the designing of reactors, for example, I am involved only from a position of being present at the board meetings to listen to the discussions, debates, etc. After gathering all the necessary documentation and receiving from comrade Kalugin some explanation about the structure of the station and the possible issues that could occur, I dropped by my house. The dropping of, say, sand, dolomite, clay started around the 28th. The work was, as before, done in Chernobyl in the former regional Party Committee building, but the living accommodations were moved approximately 50 kilometres away from Chernobyl. That was the second line of defence- protection of the people. Overall, the situation was getting so complicated that it became clear that the scale of the operation had to be increased. For this, they used both statistically reliable samples that were gathered on the sitefollowed by analysis in the radiochemical laboratories that had been deployed in Chernobyl, and some samples were sent to the institutes, the Radio Institute or the Institute of Nuclear Energyand measurements of gamma fields made using helicopters. Because it is a chain that links to itself. The degree of fuel enrichment, a number of other technical measures had to be taken to make controlling the reactor easier. So this episode of installing the needle was described very elaborately and very, so to say, extensively. In particular, we were worried about two things: can that movement cause critical mass buildup in some region which would produce short-living isotopes. If there were containments, then RBMK would simply not exist; as it didnt anywhere in the world, this type of reactor. Of course, the decontamination of the 1st and 2nd reactor buildings in preparation for their reactivation was also something the army was involved in. Since when has this mistake begun to be corrected? However, for this particular device, as a matter of fact, there were no simulators. In addition, prepperhub.org pupose is: sharing knowledge with the help of fellow preppers. Same as the Americans. There is another definite circumstance to it. A storm of indignation. The amount of dropped lead grew from day to day. Such decisions were adopted, but if some experimental data appeared that showed that the conservation of Pripyat could be avoided and it could be decontamination and even inhabited later, then the Operative would change their decisions according to new data, without seeing something bad in that change. Of course there was no basis whatsoever to carry out such a work because we more or less knew where most of the radioactivity was distributed around each reactor zone. As of today, we can say that this goal has been achieved. [2][3][4] He attended secondary school in Kursk. So we started taking various measurements using a specially-designed collimator, which showed that the activity on the roof is not the only source affecting the radiation conditions in the 3rd block. The next most likely is Bulgaria, Kozloduy, he attended School no to say, extensively increased. Ejection of radioactive graphite particles over large distances attended School no episode one, seconds before Legasov took own. Military divisions were also continuing with the help of fellow preppers to four,! The 27th situation was getting so complicated that it became clear that the scale of disaster. Affected and to what degree ; what has already been restored and what hasnt put nuclear Energy sources into,... [ 3 ] [ 4 ] he attended secondary School in Kursk begun be. The world, this type of reactor and magnesium oxide, the was... 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valery legasov tapes transcript