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why did ernest shackleton go to antarctica

Shackleton and. 77510). [12] The options available were a Royal Navy cadetship at Britannia, which Shackleton could not afford; the mercantile marine cadet ships Worcester and Conway; or an apprenticeship "before the mast" on a sailing vessel. Throughout the ordeal, not one of Shackletons crew of the Endurance died. There also was Perce Blackborow who was a Welsh sailor that stowed away on the journey; although Shackleton was annoyed by this, there was no reason to turn back by the time the situation was discovered, and Blackborow was made a steward. Upon his death, he was lauded in the press but was thereafter largely forgotten, while the heroic reputation of his rival Scott was sustained for many decades. They sailed from London on Friday, August 1, 1914, and anchored off Southend all Saturday. [11] The aim was the conquest of both the geographical South Pole and the South Magnetic Pole. This answer is: . [57] They arrived at Hut Point just in time to catch the ship. On January 4, 1922, Ernest Shackleton's ship, the Quest, finally reached South Georgia, an ice-capped island in the South Atlantic Ocean. In response to his posted ad, Shackleton was supposedly flooded with 5000 responses, men clamoring to take their chances on the icy southern continent. Because of a generous gift from the Australian Commonwealth and the New Zealand Government, he was able to engage three additional expedition members: Bertram Armytage, T.W. There is a legend that Shackleton posted an advertisement which emphasised the hardship and danger of the voyage, so that he could better narrow down and select candidates for his expedition, but no record of any such advertisement has survived and its existence is considered doubtful. He attempted a fourth Antarctic expedition, called the Shackleton-Rowett Antarctic Expedition, aboard the Quest in 1921, which had the goal of circumnavigating the continent. [15], Shackleton used his acquaintance with the son to obtain an interview with Longstaff senior, with a view to obtaining a place on the expedition. October 10, 2012, 11:40 AM Live Oct. 11, 2012 -- Ernest Shackleton ought to have died on the Antarctic ice. He proved, though,. In a Christie's auction in London in 2011, a biscuit that Shackleton gave "a starving fellow traveller" on the 19071909 Nimrod expedition sold for 1250. He attempted a fourth Antarctic expedition, called the Shackleton-Rowett Antarctic Expedition, aboard the Quest in 1921, which had the goal of circumnavigating the continent. by Jessica Brain. The goal was ambitious - audacious even, considering that only 10 men had ever stood at the South Pole and 5 of those had died on the way back. [84], Despite the outbreak of the First World War on 3 August 1914, Endurance was directed by the First Lord of the Admiralty, Winston Churchill, to "proceed",[g] and left British waters on 8 August. The attempt this week to find Sir Ernest Shackleton's missing ship, the Endurance, has ended - without success. Shackleton chose five companions for the journey: Frank Worsley, Endurance's captain, who would be responsible for navigation; Tom Crean, who had "begged to go"; two strong sailors in John Vincent and Timothy McCarthy, and finally the carpenter McNish. [101] Ship's carpenter Harry McNish made various improvements, including raising the sides, strengthening the keel, building a makeshift deck of wood and canvas, and sealing the work with oil paint and seal blood.[101]. [146] In 2001 Margaret Morrell and Stephanie Capparell presented Shackleton as a model for corporate leadership in their book Shackleton's Way: Leadership Lessons from the Great Antarctic Explorer. Shackleton's first experience of the polar regions was as third officer on Captain Robert Falcon Scott's Discovery expedition of 19011904, from which he was sent home early on health grounds, after he and his companions Scott and Edward Adrian Wilson set a new southern record by marching to latitude 82S. [116], Shackleton was specially appointed a temporary major on 22 July 1918. Sir Ernest Shackleton had been counting on Endurance to help him make it ashore . Later in the 20th century, Shackleton was "rediscovered",[4] and became a role model for leadership in extreme circumstances.[5]. "[34] There is conjecture that Scott's motive for removing him was resentment of Shackleton's popularity, and that ill-health was used as an excuse to get rid of him. Deep in the Weddell Sea, conditions gradually grew worse until, on 19 January 1915, Endurance became frozen fast in an ice floe. [159] This team became the first to replicate the so-called "double crossing", sailing from Elephant Island to South Georgia and crossing the South Georgian mountains from King Haakon Bay (where Shackleton had landed nearly 100 years prior) to Stromness. [116] On the way he was taken ill in Troms, possibly with a heart attack. [11], Shackleton's restlessness at school was such that he was allowed to leave at 16 and go to sea. [89] She drifted slowly northward with the ice through the following months. Why is Shackleton a hero? Corrections? In the period immediately after his return, Shackleton engaged in a strenuous schedule of public appearances, lectures and social engagements. Scottish jute magnate Sir James Caird gave 24,000, Midlands industrialist Frank Dudley Docker gave 10,000, and tobacco heiress Janet Stancomb-Wills gave an undisclosed but reportedly "generous" sum. Robert Falcon Scotts British National Antarctic (Discovery) Expedition (190104) as third lieutenant and took part, with Scott and Edward Wilson, in the sledge journey over the Ross Ice Shelf when latitude 821633 S was reached. [168] Blended with a parallel story of a struggling composer, the play retells the adventure of Endurance in detail, incorporating photos and videos of the journey. His people-centred approach to leadership can be a guide to anyone in a position of authority". When explorer Ernest Shackleton and his crew set out for Antarctica on the Endurance in 1914, they had no idea their journey would become one of history's greatest epics of survival. February 5, 2010, 10:09 AM. Details. Why is Ernest Shackleton famous? [e][74], Any future resumption by Shackleton of the quest for the South Pole depended on the results of Scott's Terra Nova Expedition, which left from Cardiff in July 1910. [164], In January 2016, Shackleton featured on a series of UK postage stamps issued by the Royal Mail on the centenary of the Endurance expedition. Shackleton served in the British army during World War I and served as a military advisor in the multinational North Russia Expeditionary Force during the Russian Civil War. This allowed for Shackleton to remain in control of the morale of his crew members. [42] He also ventured into politics, unsuccessfully standing in the 1906 General Election as the Liberal Unionist Party's candidate for Dundee constituency in opposition to Irish Home Rule. An extended search for an anchorage at King Edward VII Land proved equally fruitless, so Shackleton was forced to break his undertaking to Scott and set sail for McMurdo Sound, a decision which, according to second officer Arthur Harbord, was "dictated by common sense" in view of the difficulties of ice pressure, coal shortage and the lack of any nearer known base. Emily Shackleton later recorded: "The only comment he made to me about not reaching the Pole was 'a live donkey is better than a dead lion, isn't it?' [50] In accordance with Shackleton's promise to Scott, the ship headed for the eastern sector of the Great Ice Barrier, arriving there on 21 January 1908. Partly this was in search of better professional prospects for the newly qualified doctor, but another factor may have been unease about their Anglo-Irish ancestry, following the assassination by Irish nationalists of Lord Frederick Cavendish, the British Chief Secretary for Ireland, in 1882. [13] Two years later, he had obtained his first mate's ticket, and in 1898, he was certified as a master mariner, qualifying him to command a British ship anywhere in the world. [8] However, Shackleton took lifelong pride in his Irish roots, and frequently declared, "I am an Irishman". Meanwhile, a second ship, the Aurora, would take a supporting party under Captain Aeneas Mackintosh to McMurdo Sound on the opposite side of the continent. Shackleton served in the British army during World War I and served as a military advisor in the multinational North Russia Expeditionary Force during the Russian Civil War. Although the expedition failed, it would be remembered by generations as the greatest feat of survival in the history of exploration. On his return to England, Shackleton was knighted and was made a Commander of the Royal Victorian Order. Shackleton made his own discoveries about Antarctica, but he was not the first to explore the continent. [35], Years after the death of Scott, Wilson and Shackleton, Albert Armitage, the expedition's second-in-command, claimed that there had been a falling-out on the southern journey, and that Scott had told the ship's doctor that "if he does not go back sick he will go back in disgrace. [52] After considerable weather delays, Shackleton's base was eventually established at Cape Royds, about 24 miles (39km) north of Hut Point. Nevertheless, in February 1907, Shackleton presented to the Royal Geographical Society his plans for an Antarctic expedition, the details of which, under the name British Antarctic Expedition, were published in the Royal Geographical Society's newsletter, Geographical Journal. Why is Shackleton famous? At 47 years old, Shackleton was on his fourth journey to Antarctica, and the third he had led. This was the first of a number of books about Shackleton that began to appear, showing him in a highly positive light. It is likely that many debts were not pressed and were written off. What was Ernest Shackleton famous for? After a few days, with the position at 695'S, 5130'W, Shackleton gave the order to abandon ship, saying, "She's going down! 2d. His plan was to make landfall in Antarctica, hike across the entire continent and sail back to England. They found that the Barrier Inlet had expanded to form a large bay, in which were hundreds of whales, which led to the immediate christening of the area as the Bay of Whales. Longstaff, impressed by Shackleton's keenness, recommended him to Sir Clements Markham, the expedition's overlord, making it clear that he wanted Shackleton accepted. [166][167] In 2017, the musical play Ernest Shackleton Loves Me by Val Vigoda and Joe DiPietro made its debut in New York City at the Tony Kiser Theater, an off-Broadway venue. When Sir Ernest Shackleton's Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition left South Georgia Island on 5 December 1914 to assist his bid to be the first to cross the Antarctic continent, he had no idea that a year and a half later he would end up on a rescue mission trekking across the very same subantarctic island where he started. [d] En route the South Pole party discovered the Beardmore Glaciernamed after Shackleton's patron[55]and became the first persons to see and travel on the South Polar Plateau. Stark images of Shackleton's struggle. With Scott and one other, Shackleton trekked towards. [124][125], The plan changed; the destination became the Antarctic, and the project was defined by Shackleton as an "oceanographic and sub-antarctic expedition". During the Nimrod expedition of 1907-09, Shackleton experienced similarly incapacitating symptoms on the voyage to Antarcticaeven though fresh meat, an important source of thiamine, was a key . He appealed to the Chilean government, which offered the use of the Yelcho, a small seagoing tug from its navy. After a medical examination (which proved inconclusive),[34] Scott decided to send Shackleton home on the relief ship Morning, which had arrived in McMurdo Sound in January 1903. [19], Although Discovery was not a Royal Navy unit, Scott required the crew, officers and scientific staff to submit to the conditions of the Naval Discipline Act, and the ship and expedition were run on Royal Navy lines. Shackleton then worked hard to persuade others of his wealthy friends and acquaintances to contribute, including Sir Philip Lee Brocklehurst, who subscribed 2,000 (approximately equivalent to 212,000 in 2019) to secure a place on the expedition;[46] author Campbell Mackellar; and Guinness baron Lord Iveagh, whose contribution was secured less than two weeks before the departure of the expedition ship Nimrod. Instead, he is a hero, the leader who saved his men on one of the most horrific voyages of exploration of the 20th century. [10] He was schooled by a governess until the age of eleven, when he began at Fir Lodge Preparatory School in West Hill, Dulwich, in southeast London. [136] Lady Shackleton survived her husband by 14 years, dying in 1936. 2 min read. [76], Shackleton published details of his new expedition, grandly titled the "Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition", early in 1914. [33] Although in public they remained mutually respectful and cordial,[36] according to biographer Roland Huntford, Shackleton's attitude to Scott turned to "smouldering scorn and dislike"; salvage of wounded pride required "a return to the Antarctic and an attempt to outdo Scott". [13], In 1898, Shackleton joined Union-Castle Line, the regular mail and passenger carrier between Southampton and Cape Town. 2010-02-16 16:39:59. A second ship was sent to pick him up when he reached the other side, both with a crew of 28 officers, scientist, and sailors. Shackleton began planning his next journey to Antarctica almost as soon as he returned from the Nimrod expedition of 1907 - 1909. he got his men safley back to australia. But on January 5, 1922, he died of a heart attack off South Georgia and was buried on the island. What did Ernest Shackleton accomplish on his expedition to Antarctica? It was led by Robert Falcon Scott, a Royal Navy torpedo lieutenant lately promoted commander,[18] and had objectives that included scientific and geographical discovery. [70] He had been in discussions with Douglas Mawson about a scientific expedition to the Antarctic coast between Cape Adare and Gaussberg, and had written to the RGS about this in February 1910. [150], Shackleton's death marked the end of the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration, a period of discovery characterised by journeys of geographical and scientific exploration in a largely unknown continent without any of the benefits of modern travel methods or radio communication. In 1905, Shackleton became a shareholder in a speculative company that aimed to make a fortune transporting Russian troops home from the Far East. Shackleton travelled there to join Aurora, and sailed with her to the rescue of the Ross Sea party. In his 1956 address to the British Science Association, Sir Raymond Priestley, one of his contemporaries, said "Scott for scientific method, Amundsen for speed and efficiency but when disaster strikes and all hope is gone, get down on your knees and pray for Shackleton", paraphrasing what Apsley Cherry-Garrard had written in a preface to his 1922 memoir The Worst Journey in the World. [158] In charge of holds, stores and provisions[] He also arranges the entertainments. Ernest Shackleton, however, would not have been surprised: he edited his 1914-17 journal into the book, South!, which was published three years after he had returned from Antarctica. The party was in high spirits, despite the difficult conditions; Shackleton's ability to communicate with each man kept the party happy and focused.[53]. The return of the sun after 92 days. He was a key figure of the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. [160][161], The expedition very carefully matched legacy conditions, using a replica of the James Caird (named for the project's patron: the Alexandra Shackleton), period clothing (by Burberry), replica rations (both in calorific content and rough constitution), period navigational aids, and a Thomas Mercer chronometer just as Shackleton had used. Why We Still Care About Ernest Shackleton and 'Endurance' - Outside Online Adventure Exploration & Survival Why We Still Care About Ernest Shackleton and 'Endurance' Three experts on. [153] Shackleton is considered a saint by the God's Gardeners, a fictional religious sect that is the focus of Margaret Atwood's 2009 novel The Year of the Flood.[154]. "This is by far the finest wooden shipwreck I have ever seen. When did Neil Scott first go to Antarctica? Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton is best known as a polar explorer who was associated with four expeditions exploring Antarctica, particularly the Trans-Antarctic (Endurance) Expedition (191416) that he led, which, although unsuccessful, became famous as a tale of remarkable perseverance and survival. [94] By 17 March, their ice camp was within 60 miles (97km) of Paulet Island;[95] however, separated by impassable ice, they were unable to reach it. Thus physicist Reginald James was asked if he could sing;[81] others were accepted on sight because Shackleton liked the look of them, or after the briefest of interrogations. He was one of the principal figures of the period known as the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration. McIlroy was head of the scientific staff, which included Wordie. But when ice trapped his ship Endurance, his mission instantly changed from exploration to pure survival. [44] Shackleton by this time was making no secret of his ambition to return to Antarctica at the head of his own expedition. The sledging party returned to the base camp in late February 1909, but they discovered that the Nimrod had set sail some two days earlier. In October 2015, Shackleton's decorations and medals were auctioned; the sale raised 585,000. [37] Instead, he became a journalist, working for the Royal Magazine, but he found this unsatisfactory. What is Ernest Shackleton best known for? [124] The goals of the venture were imprecise, but a circumnavigation of the Antarctic continent and investigation of some "lost" sub-Antarctic islands, such as Tuanaki, were mentioned as objectives.[126]. Where did Ernest Shackleton attend school? [64][65] He was honoured by the Royal Geographical Society, who awarded him a gold medal; a proposal that the medal be smaller than that earlier awarded to Captain Scott was not acted on. In 2002, in a BBC poll conducted to determine the "100 Greatest Britons", Shackleton was ranked 11th while Scott was down in 54th place. The "Great Southern Journey",[54] as Frank Wild called it, began on 29 October 1908. Shackleton was not deterred by his failed attempt with Endurance. 350,000), not through an outright gift. The Endurance Expedition was a British mission to cross the Antarctic on foot in 1914-17. [117] From October 1918, he served with the North Russia Expeditionary Force in the Russian Civil War under the command of Major-General Edmund Ironside, with the role of advising on the equipment and training of British forces in arctic conditions. After returning from his second Antarctic trip, Shackleton was considered a leading expert in polar phenomena. [15], The British National Antarctic Expedition, known as the Discovery expedition after the ship Discovery, was the brainchild of Sir Clements Markham, president of the Royal Geographical Society, and had been many years in preparation. Reality TV Crew: Tim Jarvis in the Footsteps of Shackleton", "Shackleton adventurers complete epic re-enactment voyage", "Adventurer Tim Jarvis survives to tell of his recreation of Sir Ernest Shackleton's Antarctic journey", "Chasing Shackleton: Chasing Shackleton re-aired August 12, 2014", "Ernest Shackleton's polar voyage to feature on Royal Mail stamps", "Statue of Polar explorer Ernest Shackleton unveiled in Athy", "The unveiling of Shackleton statue at Athy, Co. Kildare Endurance Exhibition", "Ernest Shackleton Loves Me Off Broadway", "Review: A Zany Version of the Romance 'Ernest Shackleton Loves Me' in New Brunswick", "Explorers' century-old whisky found in Antarctic", "Forgotten hero Frank Wild of Antarctic exploration finally laid to rest, beside his 'boss' Sir Ernest Shackleton", "Shackleton's biscuit fetches tasty price", "Historical figures: Ernest Shackleton (18741922)", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ernest_Shackleton&oldid=1133108864, Commander of the Royal Victorian Order (CVO, 1909; MVO 4th Class: 1907), Officer of the Order of the British Empire, Military Division (OBE, 1918), Polar Medal (1904; with clasp for Nimrod Expedition: 1909), Gold Medal of the Royal Geographical Society of Antwerp (1909), This page was last edited on 12 January 2023, at 08:34. Shackleton led four expeditions to the Antarctic during his life. [118] In the midst of seeking capital, his plans foundered when Northern Russia fell to Bolshevik control. There was a (male) cat named Mrs Chippy that belonged to the carpenter Harry McNish. In January 2013, a joint British-Australian team set out to duplicate Shackleton's 1916 trip across the Southern Ocean. [58] Shackleton returned to the United Kingdom as a hero, and soon afterwards published his expedition account, Heart of the Antarctic. (equivalent to 32,306 in 2021[135]) which he bequeathed to his wife. [8] The young Shackleton did not particularly distinguish himself as a scholar, and was said to be "bored" by his studies. To this end, he made preparations for what became the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition, 19141917. Wiki User. [92], For almost two months, Shackleton and his party camped on a large, flat floe, hoping that it would drift towards Paulet Island, approximately 250 miles (402km) away, where it was known that stores were cached. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. In 2002, Shackleton was voted eleventh in a BBC poll of the 100 Greatest Britons. Transcript. In 1901 he got a place on Captain Robert Falcon Scott 's first Antarctic expedition. They wrote: "Shackleton resonates with executives in today's business world. A century ago a ship sank beneath the ice of the Weddell Sea off Antarctica. They later learned that the same hurricane had sunk a 500-ton steamer bound for South Georgia from Buenos Aires. Other crew included James, Hussey, Greenstreet, a carpenter Harry McNish, and a biologist named Clark. [68] The heroism was also claimed by Ireland: the Dublin Evening Telegraph's headline read "South Pole Almost Reached by an Irishman",[68] while the Dublin Express spoke of the "qualities that were his heritage as an Irishman".[68]. (, Beardmore's help took the form of guaranteeing a loan at Clydesdale Bank, for 7,000 (2008 equivalent approx. Shackleton abandoned one cherished goal and shouldered . Updates? [29] A record Farthest South latitude of 8217' was reached, beating the previous record established in 1900 by Carsten Borchgrevink. Shackleton and five others sailed 800 miles (1,300 km) to South Georgia in a whale boat, a 16-day journey across a stretch of dangerous ocean, before landing on the southern side of South Georgia. On 8 May, thanks to Worsley's navigational skills, the cliffs of South Georgia came into sight, but hurricane-force winds prevented the possibility of landing. [49], To conserve coal, the ship was towed 1,650 miles (2,655km) by the steamer Koonya to the Antarctic ice, after Shackleton had persuaded the New Zealand government and the Union Steamship Company to share the cost. A UK-led expedition to the Weddell Sea sent a sub to the . The wreck of Sir Ernest Shackleton's wooden ship has been recovered from the ocean depths more than a century after it sank off the coast of Antarctica. [96], After five harrowing days at sea, the exhausted men landed their three lifeboats at Elephant Island, 346 miles (557km) from where the Endurance sank. Ernest Shackleton never did reach the South Pole or cross Antarctica. Shackleton's mother, Henrietta Letitia Sophia Gavan, was descended from the Fitzmaurice family. Broadcast in the US on the A&E Network, it won two Emmy Awards. Edgeworth David, reached the area of the south magnetic pole. The three men all suffered at times from snow blindness, frostbite and, ultimately, scurvy. After the race to the South Pole ended in December 1911, with Roald Amundsen's conquest, Shackleton turned his attention to the crossing of Antarctica from sea to sea, via the pole. Mrs Chippy was shot when the Endurance sank, due to the belief that he would not have survived the ordeal that followed. He was planning to cross it. An Anglo-Irish adventurer, he became a pivotal figure in the era later characterised as the "Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration", thanks to the laudable and ambitious . [61], On Shackleton's return home, public honours were quickly forthcoming. All episodes. [131] Within a year the first biography, The Life of Sir Ernest Shackleton, by Hugh Robert Mill, was published. [31] All 22 dogs died during the march. After sea . He still harboured thoughts of returning south, even though in September 1910, having recently moved with his family to Sheringham in Norfolk, he wrote to Emily: "I am never again going South and I have thought it all out and my place is at home now". "[137], Before the return of Shackleton's body to South Georgia, there was a memorial service held for him with full military honours at Holy Trinity Church, Montevideo, and on 2 March a service was held at St Paul's Cathedral, London, at which the King and other members of the royal family were represented. Shackleton's will was proven in London on 12 May 1922. [86][87], Endurance departed from South Georgia for the Weddell Sea on 5 December, heading for Vahsel Bay. [40] He was then offered, and accepted, the secretaryship of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society (RSGS), a post which he took up on 11 January 1904. Although some of his former crew members had not received all their pay from the Endurance expedition, many of them signed on with their former "Boss". Despite his assurances to Emily that "we are practically sure of the contract", nothing came of this scheme. [33], After a period of convalescence in New Zealand, Shackleton returned to England via San Francisco and New York. His first expedition, Discovery, took place between 1901 and 1903. Amundsen vs. Scott. [169], "Shackleton" redirects here. Dying heavily in debt, Shackleton's small estate consisted of personal effects to the value of 556 2s. When did Ernest Shackleton reach Antarctica? [118], For his "valuable services rendered in connection with Military Operations in North Russia" Shackleton was appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire in the 1919 King's Birthday Honours,[119] and was also mentioned in despatches by General Ironside. Shackleton's original plans had envisaged using the old Discovery base in McMurdo Sound to launch his attempts on the South Pole and South Magnetic Pole. After the darkness of the Antarctic winter, the return of the sun was a major event in 1915 . "; and men, provisions and equipment were transferred to camps on the ice. Event and key to map Time since leaving England Date 8 Shackleton, Worsley, and Crean reach Stromness whaling station 21 months, 12 days May 20th 1916. Was specially appointed a temporary major on 22 July 1918 years old, Shackleton trekked towards, working for Royal... On 22 July 1918 was taken ill in Troms, possibly with a heart attack, 1898... 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First Antarctic expedition 13 ], Endurance departed from South Georgia for the Royal,! Ill in Troms, possibly with a heart attack, took place between 1901 1903..., the regular mail and passenger carrier between Southampton and Cape Town May! Debt, Shackleton was on his fourth journey to Antarctica, hike across the entire continent and sail back England! Effects to the value of 556 2s '' redirects here from exploration to pure survival sub to the that... The Weddell Sea sent a sub to the Mill, was descended from the Fitzmaurice family submitted., scurvy century ago a ship sank beneath the ice through the following months 76,. In 2002, Shackleton was specially appointed a temporary major on 22 1918. Medals were auctioned why did ernest shackleton go to antarctica the sale raised 585,000 2012 -- Ernest Shackleton never reach! Second Antarctic trip, Shackleton returned to England midst of seeking capital, his plans foundered when Northern Russia to... Via San Francisco and New York BBC poll of the Yelcho, a carpenter Harry.. August 1, 1914, and frequently declared, `` Shackleton resonates executives... Mission instantly changed from exploration to pure survival and gain access to exclusive content in 1900 Carsten. Shackleton accomplish on his expedition to the `` we are practically sure of the Ross Sea.! The carpenter Harry McNish, and sailed with her to the value of 556 2s Ross Sea party the Harry. Had led images of Shackleton & # x27 ; s first Antarctic expedition beneath the ice through the months... Was buried on the ice trip across the Southern Ocean January 2013, a carpenter Harry McNish, Endurance from. Is by far the finest wooden shipwreck I have ever seen by Carsten Borchgrevink his ship,. `` we are practically sure of the Ross Sea party voted eleventh in a strenuous schedule public... Steamer bound for South Georgia from Buenos Aires male ) cat named Mrs Chippy that belonged to the Harry!

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why did ernest shackleton go to antarctica