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fidel castro margaret trudeau

True that the canaanites mingle pretty much with them, but because they are huns, not jews. Isaac's next piece of "evidence" presented in his video is the fact that Margaret Trudeau and Fidel Castro were "suspiciously. Comments may take up to an hour for moderation before appearing on the site. It argues that Pierre and Justin look nothing alike, which is fair, but fathers don't have to look like their children in order to father them. Castro, like most Communists, was also a sex pervert and engaged in orgies and cuckoldry with Pierre and Margaret Trudeau ON THEIR HONEYMOON. Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail confirms that Pierre and Margaret Trudeau became close friends with Fidel Castro. 1976 Margaret Trudeau with both arms around Fidel Castro still wearing the dress in which they first officially met. During the campaign, she was involved, but avoided campaigning in public as the Harper campaign's main attack line against Justin was "Just Not Ready" and feared they would suggest her son was "so unready he needs his mummy. Nobody knows if Pierre objected. "From the day I became Mrs. Pierre Elliott Trudeau," she writes in her memoirs, "a glass panel was gently lowered into place around me, like a patient in a mental hospital no longer considered able to make decisions and cannot be exposed to a harsh light. Margaret Trudeau and Fidel Castro in Havana, Cuba, nine months before Justin was born. the mainstream media and climate propaganda is amusing, The Truth About Global Warming And The Data. Don't forget, Castro was a hero figure for the international Left in the 1970s. T/F: Fidel Castro is Justin Trudeau's biological father. So goes the narrative. Yes, superficially it seems far fetched that Margaret (and perhaps Pierre) arranged a tryst with Castro in the Caribbean during this second honeymoon. But what kind of arrangement would a 53-year-old man have with a bipolar flower child of 23? "His 1961 attempt to row a jerry-rigged canoe from Florida to Cuba was a source of great amusement to Fidel Castro, whom Trudeau encountered at . A Facebook post claiming to show a picture of Fidel Castro holding an infant Justin Trudeau, actually shows the Cuban leader holding the Canadian prime minister's late brother, Michel. He forcefully deposed a brutal dictator with a band of rag-tag rebels. February 11, 2018. 6 August 2013. For Fidel Castro to have impregnated Margaret, they had to have rendezvoused in early spring of 1971. Tucker Carlson: "Did Margaret Trudeau bear the love child of Fidel Castro, and . He outlived two Kennedy brothers behind those attempts. According to a 2009 Globe and Mailarticleby Margaret Wente, actress Margot Kidder (Superman, Superman II), classical guitarist Liona Boyd, and actress Kim Cattrall all claimed to have slept with him at some time. They are sick. Another website gives a devastatingly compelling argument in favor of the story before sabotaging all its credibility by claiming Margaret Trudeaus family were members of the Illuminati. Fascinating topic. Fact Check: Is Fidel Castro the father of Justin Trudeau? She was also associated with members of the Rolling Stones, including Ronnie Wood[28] and, according to Keith Richards' autobiography, Life, Mick Jagger.[28][29]. He altogether avoids the story he claims he disproved and then tries to do a mic drop. The record is not immediately clear how much of that happened before the couple was separated, but before she moved out of the house he was entertaining three women downstairs at a time: He often invited two girlfriends to the same event. This is what you need to know. Not a very impressive argument, Brown. She became embroiled in a scandal for having sex with Ted Kennedy (gross). Of Course Fidel Castro is Justin Trudeau's Dad. Margaret Trudeau has the distinction of being the only Canadian woman to have been the wife of a prime minister and mother of another prime minister. That was true in spades with her. If Ted Kennedy met her qualifications as a sexual partner, Castro was bigger, stronger, thinner, handsomer, and more powerful. They recite the Canadian governments official travel dates to Cuba and painfully avoid the Trudeaus extensive personal trip to the Caribbean trip in Spring 1971. We apologize, but this video has failed to load. No evidence they had not met Castro before. He would be turning 60 when she was barely out of her 20s. Three heads of the CIA have had jesuit educations, Casey, Brennan and Panetta. If Ted Kennedy met her qualifications as a sexual partner, Castro was bigger, stronger, thinner, handsomer, and more powerful. February 3, 2022 (above, Margaret Turdeau was a slut) Canadians can take comfort in knowing their Prime Minister's father executed 100,000 people.. Karen Leibowitcz: "In the age of sloppy journalism, few authors are sloppier than those who claim they 'debunked' the story that Fidel Castro is Justin Trudeau's biological father.They recite the Canadian governments' official travel . Justin Trudeau's mother, Margaret, was 22 when she married his 51-year-old father while he was prime minister. but in 2018 the rumor that Fidel Castro . Fact Check: Fake news on Pakistani cricketer Babar Azam over a tweet from Nirav Modis parody account, Fact Check: Misleading claim that Ganga Vilas Cruise stuck in Bihars Chhapra goes viral, Old Picture of Bjp and Congress members meeting going viral as recent? Under the Caribbean sun, both were evidently charmed by Fidel, as recounted in John Englishs Just Watch Me: The Life of Pierre Elliot Trudeau 1968-2000.. In some pictures Fidel had a big patch of wet saliva on his uniform because he had come over early to cuddle the baby.. He was smart, charming, and funny. They all recite the official 1976 travel dates of Pierre Trudeau as Prime Minister as though that proves they never travelled to or around Cuba on any prior date. Cohn, Andrew. Trudeau graduated in 1969 from Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology. In her twenties we gathered. Their marriage surprised Canada because Pierre had been a lifelong playboy with no wife or children. ISBN 1-416-56250-8. That is a non-starter for this author. Trudeau said she fell in love with Cuba on the trip. They got married when he was 53 and she was 23. [16][19], As Pierre Trudeau was a Catholic, she converted to the Catholic Church for their marriage. I had noticed the plane beside the one i was working on, all the people there were also not working and now were standing at the end of the plane and then I noticed that everyone outside had stopped working and were watching Castros plane. Its so obvious. Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail confirms that Pierre and Margaret Trudeau became close friends with Fidel Castro. No, Fidel Castro is not Canada PM Trudeau's father The Associated Press February 17, 2018 A story claiming that Fidel Castro was the father of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is not true. Kasprak does admit Justin Trudeau would have to have been conceived between March 16 and April 22, so why avoid addressing that the Trudeaus within spitting distance of Cuba during that time? She was clearly attracted to men in positions of power, even some who were old and unattractive. [33][34][30], In November 1998, the Trudeaus' youngest son, Michel, an avid outdoorsman, was killed when an avalanche swept him to the bottom of British Columbia's Kokanee Lake. Canadas relationship with Cuba followed a different if sometimes controversial path, led by then-prime minister Trudeau on his 1976 visit. The Ottawa Citizen It marked a turning point in Canada's. But now for the rest of the story. Justin Trudeau was born on Christmas day, 1971. Although the couple initially appeared to have a very close and loving relationship, the marriage soon began to fall apart. Justin Trudeau was born 8 1/2 months later. He was born a little over nine months after the pair married. Read- Fact Check, DFRAC Exclusive: Unraveling the malicious Hate and Disinformation campaign of an Arabic account, Bihar minister Chandrashekhar praises Islam after making a controversial statement on Ramcharitmanas. Margaret was a 23-year-old wild child who liked doing it the old-fashioned way. Park, Madison. It all started when on On Jan 30th, Zviad Gogiashvili, an anti-vaccine Facebook user, posted a collage showing the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeaus mother, Margaret Trudeau, and the former Cuban President Fidel Castro. For example, in 2018, internet users spread a rumor that Fidel Castros recently deceased son Fidel Angel Castro Diaz-Balart (Fidelito) announced Justin Trudeau was his half-brother in his suicide note. She is the first woman in Canadian history to have been both the wife and the mother of prime ministers. His sexual appetite was so legendary this article cannot efficiently capture it. Mentally sick. Each debunker makes a bold claim and then avoids the very story they claim to debunk. Margaret Trudeau was a partier who unquestionably had sex with men while married to Pierre. His just mocks the story and then abruptly states this: Oh, wait. According to John Englishs Just Watch Me: The Life of Pierre Elliot Trudeau 19682000 they were charmed by Castro and made several trips to embargo-era Cuba just to see him. Perhaps the strangest denial comes from the Canadian government itself. Fidel made it clear in his opening remarks that the parents were important but not nearly as important as the baby. They are wonderful people and I think this is an opportunity for them to really evolve as they need to., Trudeau said the social change they saw in Cuba was overwhelming, but the regime has also been extraordinarily repressive., I hope that is over for the Cuban people.. The Canadian prime minister just really, really looks like him The only way Castro could have fathered Justin is if a 22-year-old. Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail confirms that Pierre and Margaret Trudeau became close friends with Fidel Castro. They own, plan, and promote two narratives for every story, both of which veer their adherents away from the truth. She remembers Castro during that visit as a very warm and charming man I enjoyed him.. But then Justin Trudeau improbably grew up to look like this: So what is all this talk about debunking the claim? Third, the timing is uncanny. Pierre was an aging playboy who had fathered no known offspring despite being sexually promiscuous his whole adult life. After the ole man Trudeau was finished being prime minister of Canada he lived/stayed at his home in Montreal Qc. Sounds like Bill Clinton in Arkansas. CNN. This lasted for about two to three minutes. He looked like he could beat up any other word leader, much less any competitor for Margaret Trudeaus attention. ", In 1971, the Trudeaus took a second honeymoon in the Caribbean to Barbados and an unidentified nearby island[20] then Tobago, then to Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (including both Bequia and St. Vincent) with Pierre taking a side-trip to Trinidad while Margaret stayed in Tobago.[21]. Margaret Trudeau was a partier who unquestionably had sex with men while married to Pierre. A story claiming Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada as the son of Fidel Castro, Cuban Dictator is a new buzz on social media sites. In the age of sloppy journalism, few authors are sloppier than those who claim they debunked the story that Fidel Castro is Justin Trudeaus biological father. [3] Her grandmother, Rose Edith (Ivens) Bernard, with whom Trudeau had an especially close relationship, lived in Roberts Creek, British Columbia, in later life, and was from Virden, Manitoba. When it comes to these New Underworld Order Crime Syndicate families and behaviors, incredulity doesnt cut it with us. Same can be said for Barack Obama and Frank Marshal Davis. She sneaked away from official functions to get high. [11] Upon glimpsing her across the auditorium at the opera in London, England, British King William IV sent his equerry to invite her to his box. Impossible for it to be a natural virus. That being said, the exaggerations and painful avoidance of the storys debunkers are far more suspicious. The story is perfectly plausible. No evidence Castro never travelled to see them in the Caribbean. There is no reason to think, or evidence to support the notion, that Margaret Trudeau met Castro before 1971, and there is no plausible circumstance during which a meeting between Fidel Castro and Margaret Trudeau could have occurred during the biologically necessary time that accommodates their known public schedules. Also Sinclair another branch of canaanites, this time posing as christians and westerners. Allan Gotlieb, his ambassador to Washington, complained about one dinner he hosted for Mr. Trudeau because he had three girlfriends there. She had not finished doing drugs or sowing her wild oats. They got married when he was 53 and she was 23. He turned Cuba into the Western worlds first Marxist country. This newsletter is your guide to eating and living well in the capital. Visit our Community Guidelines for more information and details on how to adjust your email settings. Maybe an open marriage in quite kinky ways? But I dont think this reply box will allow me to write a book? They met when he was 48 and she was 18. Allan Gotlieb, his ambassador to Washington, complained about one dinner he hosted for Mr. Trudeau because he had three girlfriends therehe carried on downstairs even though Margaret [while separated] was still in residence upstairs. For example, in Vicesarticle, We Investigated Those Damning Rumors About Fidel Castro Being Justin Trudeaus Real Dad by Drew Brown, Brown does not investigate anything. Just looking at photos of Fidel and Justine, there can be no doubt who Justines real daddy is. She was clearly attracted to men in positions of power, even some who were old and unattractive. She separated from her husband in 1977. She had not finished doing drugs or sowing her wild oats. Pierre Trudeau and Margaret Sinclair married in March ARSH 1971 and honeymooned in the Caribbean where they met up with their Communist idol Fidel Castro. Each debunker makes a bold claim and then avoids the very story they claim to debunk. Federal governments in Western civilizations do not deny urban legends. They demonstrated a striking level of familiarity before even getting off the tarmac of their 1976 trip. 17 March 2016. Pierre Trudeau was a bachelor before he became Prime Minister in 1968. Photo by CP/Fred Chartrand Thus, the only feasible way Castro could have fathered Justin Trudeau is if a 22-year-old. [5], The Bernards were the descendants of colonists in the Straits Settlements, the Dutch East Indies, and British Malaya, nowadays respectively Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia, including Francis James Bernard, a London, England-born Anglo-Irishman whose great-grandfather, Arthur Bernard, was a member of the Irish House of Commons for Bandonbridge, and brother of Francis Bernard, Solicitor-General for Ireland, and ancestor of the Earls of Bandon. Justin's supposed father Pierre Trudeau (1919-2000) the former Canadian Prime Minister who legalized abortion and who brought socialist medicine to Canada was good friends with Fidel Castro. The New York Times. I know my father was very proud to call him a friend and I had the opportunity to meet Fidel when my father passed away. He was a sexual deviant the ole man was. He brought his wife. Someone mentioned Obamas real father, who seems a sure thing to have been Frank Marshall Davis. She sneaked away from official functions to get high. After she refused, the King sent the equerry back just to ask her name. In April 1971, the Trudeaus took a long second honeymoon all around the Caribbean. Read- Fact Check. Justin attended a jesuit college. Photo by Pierre Obendrauf / Files . This is Margaret Trudeau during an official visit to Cuba in 1976 along with her husband Pierre Trudeau, Canada's' Prime Minister at the moment. According to Wikipedia, they visited one island they declined to disclose. Nobody Has Debunked Anything. If anything, the intellectual dishonesty of avoiding the very story makes it seem more convincing. [47], In 2013, Trudeau received an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws from the University of Western Ontario in recognition of her work to combat mental illness.[48]. That is not to say there are no exaggerations and falsehoods supporting the story. This event has been chronicled, along with some purportedly saucy comments, in a book that has been cited by many of the Trudeau-truthers to suggest sexual attraction between Margaret and Fidel. Today we might remember Fidel Castro as an old man, but he was one of the most impressive people in the world back then, especially to fellow Marxists like the Trudeaus. And yes, young Castro and Justin Trudeau might bear a physical resemblance. Margaret Joan Trudeau ( ne Sinclair, born Sept. 10, 1948) is a Canadian author, actress, photographer, former television talk show hostess and social advocate for people with bipolar disorder, with which she was diagnosed. From Wikipedia: Footnote 19 of the same Wikipedia article cites to a April 13, 1971 article from The Ottawa Journal. On 27 November 2016, two days after Castros death was announced, a user on the Donald Trump subreddit /r/The_Donald presented a theory that Justin Trudeau, the son of former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, was actually the love child of Fidel Castro and Margaret Trudeau. "What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been" Castros career would be absurdly improbable, were he not a made man from the families. Office of the Prime Minister of Canada. Fidel Castro and Margaret Trudeau were friends. This is the part about which 'debunkers' intentionally mislead readers. As pointed out in a 2014 Vicearticle, there is a local custom in Cuba in which any woman who doesnt know who the father of her child is will call it Fidelito, or Little Fidel. Human Reproduction. I have so much to say about the actions and reactions of the people that day. Priceless. The story is perfectly plausible. Pierre Trudeau biographer John English states the evidence is overwhelming that he slept with Barbara Streisand. tap here to see other videos from our team. Don't forget, Castro was a hero figure for the international Left in the 1970s. This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. Copyright 2023 | MH Magazine WordPress Theme by MH Themes, Humiliating Hat Trick: (((Wealthy NY Family))) Invested In Enron, Madoff, FTX, Weve really lost a decade to lip service about inequality: Worlds richest 1% captured almost two-thirds of all new wealth created in two years, report says, Defund Marxist Public Universities That Offer Social Justice Degrees for Career Agitators and Grievance Industry Manufacturers. On April 18, 1984, with her three sons attending, she married Ottawa real-estate developer Fried Kemper in a civil ceremony in the chambers of Judge Hugh Poulin. Margaret Joan Trudeau ( ne Sinclair, formerly Kemper; born September 10, 1948) is a Canadian activist. Why would anyone in Canadian government be so sensitive to a mere internet rumor? Pierre Trudeau won custody of the children and did not pay any spousal support. "There was a release of some of their online chat rooms and they think that Fidel Castro is actually the biological father of Justin Trudeau, our prime minister," Canadian author and . Justin himself is frequently filmed getting teary eyed and sobbing publicly. As soon as the door of the plane was opened I noticed a lot of people working around the plane i was fuelling had stopped doing their work and were looking towards Castros plane. I was working at Mirabel airport the day old Fidel Castro came up to Canada for the funeral of PET. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's tribute complimenting Fidel Castro as "remarkable" and a "larger than life leader who served his people" drew criticism and derision . Will the. Margaret Trudeau was a partier who unquestionably had sex with men while married to Pierre. I guess you actually cant believe everything that semi-professional agitators post on the internet. I was too busy watching fuel guages and would take a glance over to his plane every now and then. Jukic, A.M. "Length of Human Pregnancy and Contributors to Its Natural Variation." Trudeau's statement, as well as his family's friendly history with Castro, led to speculation that a much harder truth lay behind his soft words. "House of Commons Journals, 28th Parliament, 3rd Session: Vol. Sperm banks barely existed back then. Margaret Trudeau was a partier who unquestionably had sex with men while married to Pierre. These people are freaks with a big F. The inquirists main case for the Castro-Trudeau theory is the astonishing resemblance. A photo of her at the disco was featured on many front pages across Canada. AP Images. He survived CIA coups and assassination attempts. Margaret Trudeau has the distinction of being the only Canadian woman to have been the wife of a prime minister and mother of another prime minister. It's almost as dead-on as Chelsea Clinton and her rumored real father, Webb Hubbel: Many people have claimed that this is only a conspiracy theory. All Rights Reserved, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_Trudeau, Three Minutes To Expose Trudeaus Corruption and Profiteering of Covid (video). They met when he was 48 and she was 18. No major news sources support that claim and researching it leads to a dead-end. [13] Acclaimed British harpsichordist, Violet Gordon-Woodhouse, and Hawaiian settler, Edward William Purvis, according to popular belief, was the namesake of the ukulele, are Margaret Trudeau's first cousins, three times-removed. He evidently wanted a family because that is exactly what he started. In Burnaby, British Columbia with a big patch of wet saliva on his uniform because he had girlfriends. 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fidel castro margaret trudeau